10 Twitter Feeds for a Timely Dose of Inspiration
Need something stronger than a double-espresso to get motivated? These Twitter feeds could offer just the jolt of inspiration you're seeking.
Blair Singer: @blairsinger
"You may set a goal and not reach it, but you will always have accomplished something else in the process."
Author, entrepreneur, sales guru and Rich Dad advisor Blair Singer fills his Twitter timeline with business and sales takeaways and motivational quotes to rev up your entrepreneurial spirit.
Simon Sinek: @SimonSinek
"Authorities act with themselves in mind. Leaders act with others in mind. Authorities take. Leaders give. Authorities die. Leaders live on."
Author and a leading voice of inspiration, Simon Sinek is a frequent speaker at TED events. His timeline is frequently updated with inspirational one-liners that are sure to spark your drive.
Brendon Burchard: @brendonburchard
"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. --Jim Ryuh"
Personal development coach Brendon Burchard, author of Millionaire Messenger, packs his Twitter feed with inspiring quotes from around the web and, of course, a few of his own motivational messages.
Dawn Thierfelder: @coachdawn
" 'We ANTICIPATE What's to Come... then I G N O R E what's Actually Here' -- Stephan Rechtschaffen"
Success coach Dawn Thierfelder offers frequent updates of uplifting and inspiring quotes from movies, thought-leaders and others.
Ingrid Elfver: @ingridelfver
" Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough. -- Josh Billings"
Ingrid Elfver is a brand consultant to celebrities whose timeline is a goldmine of moving quotes, including those from other thought-leaders.
Daniel Foisy: @wisdomalacarte
"Super powers always fighting, but Mona Lisa just keeps on smiling. -- Queen"
If you're a big music buff, then you will enjoy Daniel Foisy's timeline filled with lyrics from classic musicians and songs, applicable to just about any situation in life.
Paulo Coelho: @paulocoelho
"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too #TheAlchemist"
Brazilian author and a member of the U.N. Messengers of Peace (along with the likes of George Clooney and Stevie Wonder), Paulo Coelho reminds his followers of the power of love and the human spirit.
Kim Kiyosaki: @kimkiyosaki
"Being crystal clear and what you want and what your dreams are makes the fulfillment process flow smoother."
Business expert and entrepreneur Kim Kiyosaki often directs her tweets to women, focusing on advice on business, finances and living life well.
Tony Robbins: @tonyrobbins
""Add more value than anyone else does, and you'll have a chance to win." @tonyrobbins on @piersmorgan #CNN"
Entrepreneur, author and peak-performance strategist Anthony Robbins often tweets business-centric motivational quotes, as well as tips on living a healthier life and maintaining a sound mind.
Russell Simmons: @unclerush
"You can never tell from what direction your gift will be coming, so you must stay open to all possibilities."
Entrepreneur Russell Simmons, founder of the label Def Jam, regularly publishes tweets motivational for nearly any person from any walk of life.
What Twitter feeds do you follow for inspiration?
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