Setting a Life Objective is different from setting goals. Goals relate to separate parts of your life, like your career, finances, family, health and so on.
The Life Objective is the Big Picture and integrates who you are as a whole person and it:
- reduces frustration by simplifying decision making
- is motivating
- allows you to focus your efforts, your time, your energy, and your resources
- attracts co-operation, networking, pride.
In summary, your vision or purpose should determine your ongoing activities, daily goals and "to do's" culminating in a routine of everyday progress. All great accomplishments are achieved by continuous effort taken on a daily basis. The Pyramids were built one brick at a time. Albeit big bricks!
Your values drive your actions. What you esteem, what you give worth to, where you spend your time, energy and money influence your daily choices and what's most important to you, deeply embedded in your mission staement.
"Your actions are your only pocessions." _Lao Tzu
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